Ingredient Agaru
- It has an anti-allergic and anti-pruritic action on the skin that helps to treat urticaria.
- It also treats raised itchy bumps and itching associated with urticaria.
- It acts as a nervine tonic that provides strength to the nerves and urinary bladder. It also treats the reactiveness of the bladder, which is a common cause of the enuresis.
- Agaru helps in treating the intestinal gas. In the digestive system, its main function is to reduce abdominal spasm and pains that occur due to the presence of excessive gas in the gut.
- It boosts up the appetite by acting upon the stomach and liver. It improves the functioning of the liver and stimulates its metabolism.
- It is useful in cold, cough and asthma, and relieves sputum.
Geographical Distribution
In India, the plant is found growing naturally in evergreen forests of Eastern Himalayas. It grows at an altitude of 700 to 1400 m. It is found in abundance in Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Manipur, Bhutan, Khasi hills, etc. Agaru obtained from Sylhet region is considered the best.