Ingredient Bhumi Amla

Ingredient Bhumi Amla


  • The main alkaloids are in the form of lignins, like Phyllanthin and Hypophyllanthin.
  • In many parts of the world it is used as a folk medicine to treat liver disorders particularly due to Hepatitis-B and Jaundice, intestinal infection, diabetes etc.
  • In traditional system of medicine, it is one of the essential ingredients of many formulations used in the recovery of bronchitis, leprosy, asthma and hiccough.
  • In Unani system the fruit in useful for wounds, scabies and ring worm.
  • An infusion of root is a good tonic.


Geographical Distribution

Phyllanthus Niruri it’s widely distributed in America, China, Phillippines, Cuba, Nigeria, Guam and West Africa. In India this wonder herb is found growing as a weed in the rainy season. The plant is found to grow sufficiently in many parts of country like Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Sikkim as a weed.