Ingredient Brihati

Ingredient Brihati


  • Both the root and the fruit have a strong and bitter flavour. According to Ayurvedic systems of medicine, they are warming, digestive, astringent to the bowels, anthelmintic, removes foulness from the mouth.
  • They are beneficial in cardiac troubles, useful in leucoderma, fever, asthma, pain bronchitis, vomiting, and pruritus.
  • The roots are beneficial in the treatment of vitiated vata and kapha conditions, as well as odontalgia, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, verminosis, diarrhoea, leprosy, strangury, cough, asthma, fever, skin diseases, respiratory and cardiac disorders, ulcers, and poisonous affections.
  • It is considered an expectorant and is beneficial in the treatment of cough and catarrhal diseases.
  • The root is used in difficult parturition as well as in the treatment of toothache. It is also used in the treatment of fevers, worm problems, and colic.


Geographical Distribution

This species may be found in tropical India, Sri Lanka, Malaya, China, and the Philippines, among other places. It may be found in a variety of habitats across India's tropical areas, including waste fields, roadside ditches, and other locations, ranging from sea level to around 1500 m above sea level.