Ingredient Guduchi
- It has been reported to act as anti-diabetic drug through explanatory oxidative stress, promoting insulin secretion by inhibiting gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. The stem of this plant is generally used to cure diabetes by regulating level of blood glucose.
- It has anti-cancer, anti-HIV, anti-microbial and anti oxidant properties.
- It is also well known for its immunomodulatory response.
- It treats neurological disorders like ALS, Parkinsons, Dementia, motor and cognitive deficits and neuron loss in spine and hypothalamus.
Geographical Distribution
Tinospora cordifolia is indigenous to areas of India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Borneo, Vietnam, Bangladesh, North Africa, and South Africa. This plant is distributed throughout the tropical region of India up to 1,200m above sea level from Kumaon to Assam, in north extending through West Bengal, Bihar, Deccan, Kankan, Karnataka and Kerala.