Ingredient Lodhra

Ingredient Lodhra


  • Lodhra reduces fever and cures the spongy gums/bleeding.
  • It is useful to treat skin diseases (such as leprosy), dropsy and liver complaints.
  • It has been considered as drugof choice in the treatment ofgynecological disorders.
  • Lodhra has been used to cure the menorrhagia, leucorrhea (excessive discharge from vagina) and other menstrualdisorders. It is also useful in abortions and miscarriages and for ulcers of vaginal.
  • The bark is astringent, expectorant, antiinflammatory, febrifuge, haemostatic, stomachic, constipating and suppurative.
  • It is useful in eye diseases, spongy and bleeding gums, asthma, bronchitis, dropsy, arthritis, ulcers and tumours.


Geographical Distribution

Symplocos racemosa is a small, evergreen tree, upto 6-8.5 m tall, found in the plains and lower hills throughout North and East India, ascending towards the Himalayas, Bengal, Assam and Chota Nagpur.