Ingredient Mash

Ingredient Mash



  • It is rich in flavonoids, isoflavonoids, phytoestrogens, phenolic acids, enzymes, fibers, starches, trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid, lectins, saponins, tocopherols, fatty acids, and proteins.
  • The methanolic extract of boiled Mash seeds is effective in alleviating pain.
  • It possesses anti inflammatory properties.
  • It also has antioxidant properties and are used to treat different diseases like rheumatism, liver diseases, etc.
  • Mash is a rich source of nutrients and extract of seeds possess analgesic and anti microbial properties.


Geographical Distribution

Phaseolus mungo is grown mainly in Central and Southeast Asia. It is widely distributed in tropical West Africa and extensively cultivated all over India. The Guntur District ranks first in Andhra Pradesh for the production of black gram in India.