Nervous System

The nervous system is the body’s command center. Originating from the brain, it controls the movements, thoughts and automatic responses to the world around you. It also controls other body systems and processes, such as digestion, breathing and sexual development (puberty). Diseases, accidents, toxins and the natural aging process can damage the nervous system.

Nervous System

Central Nervous System

The brain and spinal cord make up the CNS. the brain uses the nerves to send messages to the rest of the body. Each nerve has a protective outer layer called myelin. Myelin insulates the nerve and helps the messages get through.

Peripheral Nervous Systeme

the peripheral nervous system consists of many nerves that branch out from the CNS all over the body. This system relays information from the brain and spinal cord to the organs, arms, legs, fingers and toes. the peripheral nervous system contains the:

  • Somatic nervous system, which guides the voluntary movements.
  • Autonomic nervous system, which controls the activities you do without thinking about them.
  • Moving, sitting still and standing up straight.

Cardiac Muscles

The nervous system uses specialized cells called neurons to send signals, or messages, all over the body. These electrical signals travel between the brain, skin, organs, glands and muscles.

The messages help to move the limbs and feel sensations, such as pain. the eyes, ears, tongue, nose and the nerves all over the body take in information about the environment. Then nerves carry that data to and from the brain.

Different kinds of neurons send different signals. Motor neurons tell the muscles to move. Sensory neurons take information from the senses and send signals to the brain. Other types of neurons control the things the body does automatically, like breathing, shivering, having a regular heartbeat and digesting food.


    Thousands of disorders and conditions can affect the nerves. An injured nerve has trouble sending a message. Sometimes it’s so damaged that it can’t send or receive a message at all. Nerve injury can cause numbness, a pins-and-needles feeling or pain. It may be difficult or impossible for you to move the area that’s injured. Nerve damage can happen in several ways. Some of the most common causes of nerve damage include:

    • Lupus
    • Arthritis
    • Stroke
    • Sciatia
    • Sclerosis

    Detoxing The Nervous System

    • Sleeping is the most efficient method of detoxifying the brain. While we sleep, cerebrospinal fluid floods the brain, removing cellular waste and toxins. Brain cells shrink as the interstitial space increases by 60%. This process enhances the removal of β-amyloid plaques and other toxic compounds from the brain.
    • To regenerate brain tissue, foods like berries and melons that have a high electromagnetic charge should be consumed. The energetic and electrical components of foods directly impact brain function and can be measured with Volt-ohm meters.
    • Avoiding milk and milk based products can help better detoxify the brain.